
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pray Together Stay Together

They all JOINED together CONSTANTLY in prayer...Acts 1:14

How often do you pray WITH your husband?  I can tell you for me, that I don't do it enough.  TODAY, let's set out to not only to pray FOR our husbands, but WITH them.  I wonder how many less marriage counseling sessions would be needed if couples made this a complete necessity in their marriage.

Would you be willing to try this for me?  The next time you have a moment with your husband (it can be on the phone, as you leave the house, in the shower, at soccer practice, before going to bed, etc.) ask him if you guys can pray together.  If he's not used to praying, it's ok.  You can lead.  Start by praying for him, your marriage, your family and for God's hand to work in all three.  It doesn't have to be long and it doesn't have to be pretty.  Just you, him and God.  If you too are new to praying, here's a simple prayer:

Dear God, I thank you for my husband.  I thank you for our marriage and our family.  I ask you to bless, guide, strengthen and protect us.  Please encourage my husband and equip him with the wisdom and strength to lead our family.  Bless him for all he is and does for our family. In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.

Way to go sister!  God is pleased with you!

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