
Saturday, May 25, 2013

What God Can Do with No Arms and No Legs....You Have a Choice.

May 23, 2013 photo, Nick Vujicic, an Australian evangelist  ( AP Photo/Na Son Nguyen)

Sisters, I love this article so much I want one of my own just like it ten years down the road!  Besides the fact that it takes place in my birth country, the message was so obvious it was as if God was reaching out with two arms shaking me and asking me "Do you get it?".  Please take time to read it here when you get the chance.  

I used to think that I was a unique individual with a tank full of energy, enthusiasm and passion. I am now realizing God designed you and me with the very same qualities.  And with those qualities, He can perform miracles and wonders that will heal and transform this world.  On the NBC show, The Voice, one of the contestants, Holly Tucker, chose to sing How Great Thou Art in front of millions of viewers.  When asked about her song choice she said, "I know not everyone will believe the same thing I believe.  And that's ok.  But it would be a shame not to share ALL of who I am."  This is something I have been feeling the very day I decided to put ALL of who I am out there for everyone on Facebook, Google, YouTube land.  Some may think I am crazy. Some may think I am fanatical.  Some may be inspired.  Regardless, ALL need a living hope. Like me, they may not need it now or may think they don't need it.  They may hate it (At first, the apostle Paul sure did too didn't he?). But there will come a time when the fight with that brick wall leads to a search for a better way.  When that happens, I want to be there pointing the way.  And I know for sure God will be there ready to receive!  

We have a choice in how we live our lives.  We can be mediocre. We can be bitter or resentful about our circumstances, our past or how others have wronged us.  We can make excuses about our mental or physical limitations.  We can sit and watch.  Or we can go out and be givers of hope, light and life and be the best that God created us to be.  Look around, as you can see, He's got a fantastic track record with His creations.    The choice really is yours.  But make it soon.  Life really is a vapor. I pray you will choose to be God's best and give Him EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT! 

Lord, I am so thankful for brothers like Nick Vujicic.  Thank you Father for stepping in when he tried to drown himself.  Thank you for blessing him with a powerful story and an equally powerful passion to tell it.  Lord right now, I pray you prepare us.  Strengthen, equip and inspire us to be the women of faith and love you created us to be.  Do miracles in our lives and marriages.  Let our marriage be a ministry for others whose marriages need repair and restoration.  I ask you to daily slough away the dead cells in our heart that prevent us from loving you as fiercely as you love us.  Spread your love, message and kingdom through us.  Silence the enemy's voice in our lives.  USE US NOW! USE US TODAY! IN A BIG WAY! In the name of Jesus. Amen! 

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