
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

You are Not Alone

For "you were like sheep going astray," but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. - 1 Peter 2:25

Over and over again I am meeting women whose husbands have left the home. Often it is during the worse time when they are raising an infant and/or the wife has been staying at home and hasn't worked in years. Some husbands, although still in the home, have checked out mentally, leaving their wives to carry their load day after day.

Sisters, if this is you, I want you to know I am praying to the God of the impossible that He may pursue your husband just as the shepherd does for any lost sheep. He did it for you. He did it for me. What makes us think He can't do it for the hundreds and thousands of husbands (and wives) who have lost their way? If that isn't enough for you, know one more thing...I was once a wife who got lost on the path of death and destruction. Satan had deceived and warped my mind so much that my heart was no longer with my family. I pursued and worshiped a lifestyle of sin and wealth that left me broke and broken. But sure enough, the Great Shepherd out of His grace and mercy did circles around me until I fumbled my way back to Him and my dear husband. Today I bask in His green pastures, with more love and provision than I ever thought possible.

My dear sister, you are not alone. We are lifting you up in prayer. We will walk along side of you. Your Heavenly Father sees you. He loves you so far beyond your capacity to understand. You WILL stand victorious, you WILL finish the race, and you WILL be rewarded both in heaven and on earth. May the Lord strengthen you. May you be so overwhelmed by His Spirit that you are numb to the hurt and pain that the enemy wants you to feel. The evil one wants you to be crippled with blame, hurt and resentment. May you dance with joy and praise for The Lord's faithfulness. May His grace multiply your efficiency and resources. May His Spirit be upon your kids to protect, encourage and nurture them. May you forgive and live in peace. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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