
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Believe and See

(Written April 1st, 2013)
Sisters, this was written from a dear friend of mine, Laurie, who lost her son on his 17th birthday in 2011. The morning after the accident, we all drove to the crash site and my dear sister lead us all in prayer offering her son back to his Heavenly Father. It has been, continues to be and will probably always be a difficult journey for them. However, it is the beautiful, powerful, bittersweet testimony that this family lives out day after day since this tragedy that wakes up your "old man" spirit and makes you want to stand on the top of your roof and shout to every single person that Jesus is not a fairy tale and no matter how much you are dying inside, there is ALWAYS HOPE, ALWAYS LIFE and ALWAYS GLORY when God is given an invitation.

John 11:40 Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?"
"I missed saying this yesterday, but I want to share it anyway. I was reflecting on the meaning of Easter, and I just want to say THANK YOU. Thank you Father for showing us that it may look like it's over, but it's NOT! This should be a day of hope for all of the world. Not only did Jesus Christ die on the cross to forgive us our sins, but then he ROSE AGAIN and when he did that, He showed us that He also gave us LIFE EVERLASTING! Yesterday I was praising and thanking God all day, because of Him, I WILL see my son again, as will all of my family. We will live joyously in the kingdom of Heaven all the days of our everlasting lives because Jesus died and rose again!! Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus."- Laurie Edwards

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