
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

No Right or Wrong. Only LOVE.

1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

There are times when I feel and hear God speaking to me in my heart. And there have been times when I hear Him speak as if someone is standing in front of me talking to me. On one occasion, I was doing dishes and upset about the way Dave was handling a situation with our oldest son. I felt like he was being too unreasonable. It was definitely rubbing me the wrong way. As those thoughts and feelings started to eat its way through me, His Spirit said, "THERE'S NO RIGHT OR WRONG. ONLY LOVE."

As soon as I heard that, I immediately saw nothing but LOVE. I realized that Dave's actions were stemming from LOVE. He did what he did, because he LOVED our son. When I acknowledged this, my LOVE and appreciation grew. Because I realized that there are kids who wished they had dads to bend over backwards for them. There are kids who wished their dads were around to even get mad at them. I felt LOVE for Dave for caring so much and hurting so much when our son fell out of line.

This simple wisdom the Holy Spirit taught me has extinguished many fires and even prevented them from igniting in our marriage. I wanted to share this with you and pray it helps you as much as it helps me!

Father God, I thank you for what you are doing in my marriage. I thank you for teaching and guiding me. Forgive me for storing up any anger or resentment towards my husband. Give me peace and strength to let it all go and embrace the beauty of our marriage. Let me see my husband the way You see Him. Highlight the qualities and strengths that I have overlooked. Make him more like You. And make ME more like You. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!

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