
Thursday, June 13, 2013

What Our World Needs...Fathers and Husbands Not Ashamed

Not too long ago, I used to have the hardest time sharing my faith with others.  I didn't want to offend them, make them feel uncomfortable or make me look stupid.  After years of seeing God work in my life and those around me, I now realize how stupid it all was.  The times when I was the most hesitant was when the spotlight was on me, as if I, Ai Garner, was doing the saving.  Salvation has already been prepared and is sitting on the table.  My job is simply to point the way.  Today, the power of God in my life is so evident, it's impossible to deny.  There's no way a person can make the heartbreaking, soul-grieving mistakes I have made and still be kissed by God every day.  There's no way I can go from absolutely despising my husband to being an all out slave for his happiness and well-being.  What are the chances that God would take my husband, dust him off, set him straight, and spiritually and mentally transform him just in time when his wife was ready to leave?  I'm sorry, but this kind of change just doesn't happen on our own.   It is THE POWER OF GOD!

Dave and I were at a National Guard officer's conference a couple months back.  We were overwhelmed by the comments of how our marriage was such an encouragement and model for others.  Every time someone shared this with me, I instantly shared our ugly past and God's beautiful rescue.  There was no hesitation, no fear, and definitely no shame.  Why? I didn't do it.  God did!  His power!

Father, as we celebrate Father's day this weekend, I pray Romans 1:16 for our men.  We need Your power to work in their lives in such a way that they stand unashamed, bold, courageous, ready and eager to lead, love, and build Your kingdom.  Give them mental, physical and spiritual rest.  Give them assurance, peace and hope for the worries and burdens they carry.  Strengthen them.  Teach them.  Give them the courage to live with unwavering integrity.  May their lives speak the gospel.    Finally, despite where each of us stands in our marriage, I pray you make it BETTER.  Build for us a marriage that speaks of Your existence and power.  Send Your love and power in the areas of our relationship where only YOU can work and transform.  Thank You Lord. In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pray Together Stay Together

They all JOINED together CONSTANTLY in prayer...Acts 1:14

How often do you pray WITH your husband?  I can tell you for me, that I don't do it enough.  TODAY, let's set out to not only to pray FOR our husbands, but WITH them.  I wonder how many less marriage counseling sessions would be needed if couples made this a complete necessity in their marriage.

Would you be willing to try this for me?  The next time you have a moment with your husband (it can be on the phone, as you leave the house, in the shower, at soccer practice, before going to bed, etc.) ask him if you guys can pray together.  If he's not used to praying, it's ok.  You can lead.  Start by praying for him, your marriage, your family and for God's hand to work in all three.  It doesn't have to be long and it doesn't have to be pretty.  Just you, him and God.  If you too are new to praying, here's a simple prayer:

Dear God, I thank you for my husband.  I thank you for our marriage and our family.  I ask you to bless, guide, strengthen and protect us.  Please encourage my husband and equip him with the wisdom and strength to lead our family.  Bless him for all he is and does for our family. In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.

Way to go sister!  God is pleased with you!