
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What a Mighty God We Serve

Sisters, we serve an AMAZING God who glorifies Himself through the prayers of His sons and daughters. This was from our church medical missions trip last year in the Dominican Republic. I have used it and continue to use it as one of my backbones for faith. How do you need God to work in your life right now? Message me so I can pray for the God of the imPOSSIBLE to glorify Himself, once again, in your life! I must warn you...your life will NEVER be the same. You will fall in LOVE. You will be on FIRE. You will want to tell EVERY SINGLE SOUL what He has done in your life. And you will want to stop wearing make-up because you'll cry EVERY TIME you think of how good He is and how much He loves you. Then everyone will ask you if you're ok, and you'll tell them and start crying all over again! Just a warning :) Love you guys! 

A 19 month old who should have been walking, came in having only been in a crib and not able to do anything but lie on his back. Classic failure to thrive. We prayed over him and God worked forming and strengthening the muscles allowing him to roll over, get up on his forarms, get up to his hands and knees and then sit up on his legs. Stuff that usually takes months of development happened in minutes.

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